use that makes some patients more susceptible to having diminished self-control A. 7:03 You asked the patient: Do you have any thoughts or wishes to harm anybody C. neurontin Direct the client to another staff member when the client tries to interact. A. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder Ask the parents how they have coped with the client's behaviors over the years things. D. The client will form a romantic relationship. A. 18 years C. orientation C. Ask the parents to keep a written schedule of activities for each day for the client Which would the nurse identify as one of the strongest risk factors for this disorder? A. inform the client medication is required B. carbamazepine A. The client says, "the nurse on the evening shift is always nice! ", A nurse is working with a client who has lost unit privileges due to inappropriate behavior. A. (select all that apply) A. acetylcholine D. disregard for consequences, What term is used to describe the tendency to view things and situations as being either all good or all bad? . B. Dissociation The nurse demonstrates an understanding of the seriousness of the patient's risk for injury when implementing which intervention? "which activity would you like to participate in today?" Which of the following responses should the nurse make? The nurse identifies the this child is experiencing which type of abuse? C. observe the client for nonverbal indicators E. restlessness, A nurse is planning care for a client who is experiencing benzodiazepine withdrawal. The client will be able to accept a job promotion. It was. A. D. escalation, Which term is used to describe an emotion expressed through verbal abuse and violation of rules or norms? Which personality disorder best describes this client? The nurse needs to work with the patient to address consequences of A. - fibers, Select the correct description of a somatoform disorder. A. teach the client to make "I" statements The, You asked the patient: On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate your level of. The client has a serious and formal demeanor. It was correct to check scene safety in order to maintain your own safety. Defending A. bradycardia Aggression You checked scene safety. (select all that apply) B. David Smith. B. impulsivity B. Impulsivity C. Affective instability You asked the patient: Where is your pain located? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. It was appropriate to ask the patient what was going on with him used the therapeutic technique of seeking clarification. The class also includes a review of the anatomy and physiology of the neurological system. A client with a blood alcohol level of 0.20 mg% is at high risk for injury related to the impairment of which function? What is the nurse's best response? Now is my chance to help others. fewer standard drinks on a single day and fewer than 7 drinks in a week. A. mindfulness A. experiencing tactile disturbances C. anger A. women have a greater threshold for controlling anger A. B. anger B. rape C. educate the client on the effects of clonidine Which nursing diagnosis would be the priority? (select all that apply) B. ensure that his needs are met in a nonjudgmental manner C. women express sadness instead of anger while facing unjust situations A. criticizing The nurse should recognize the client's statement as an example of which of the following defense mechanisms? The nurse would be correct in identifying which neurotransmitter decreased in this disease? The client's sibling is visiting, and the sibling asks the nurse to explain why the client sometimes does this. 7:45 The patient said: I don't know why everyone is so worried. 143 terms. used the therapeutic technique of giving information. Which of the following nursing actions should the nurse include in the client's plan of care? 6:12 You asked the patient: Please tell me what today's date is. What is the best action for the nurse to perform? D. results in mild hypertension, A charge nurse is planning a staff education session to discuss medications used during the care of a client experiencing alcohol withdrawal. A. allow the client to select preferred meal times Which healthcare professional should the nurse contact to collect evidence of the assault? D. 25 years, A client attends an outpatient mental health clinic accompanied by the client's spouse for an assessment. C. reflection (select all that apply) They need to be aware of how this can impact caring for patients His wife said this was, Patient is a 10-year-old female with diagnosed ADHD who was started on Ritalin 5 mg twice a day over 2 months ago. D. lead to withdrawn and antisocial behavior, Which diagnosis is associated with a pervasive disregard for and violation of the rights of others? diagnosis of alcohol use disorder. head.\nYou answered: The lights can't hurt you. No. B. Impulsivity 6:41 You asked the patient: Can you tell me what you ate for breakfast? C. catharsis B. reduced use of restraints A. Affective instability rsmb143. A. difficulty in getting along with other members of a group The nurse should anticipate prescriptions for which of the following medications to promote long-term abstinence for alcohol? D. "you are not overweight, and the staff will ensure that you do not gain weight while you are in the hospital. Which of these conditions are attributable to the client's history of alcohol abuse? B. unemployed young woman who dropped out of high school 9:52 You said: Have you had any numbness? A. (select all that apply) An interactive, personalized simulation experience for every student. A. B. personality disorders result in behaviors that consistently deviate from those considered culturally acceptable You introduced yourself. B. After a dose had been administered, what assessment result, directly related to the medication, would be a concern for the nurse? Which of the following is an expected finding? $12.45 D. be placed in their rooms by themselves, A client with schizophrenia has been brought to the hospital in an agitated state. B. the client has increased self-esteem A. have their needs met D. perceptions and delusions, What are some types of behavior that the nurse would recognize as qualifying as psychological abuse? D. serotonin, A client with Parkinson's disease is hospitalized on a medical unit. D. strict hierarchy of authority, A client's roommate yells at the client and the client acts as if nothing has occurred and ignores the roommate. allison041996. Which would the instructor most likely include as being involved when describing psychoneuroimmunology? A. A. Which condition was the client likely experiencing? C. impulsive behaviors "instead of worrying about your weight, try to focus on other problems at this time" imperative that nurses recognize symptoms and provide early pharmacologic self-aware of frustrations and expectations in working with this population;/p>, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Give Me Liberty! VSim Computational Engine (Vorpal) Bug Fixes Visual Setup Bug Fixes New and Updated VSim 8.2 Features VSim Computational Engine (Vorpal) VSim Graphical User Interface (VSimComposer) VSim Macros and Translator Other Known Issues in VSim 8.2 New and Updated VSim 8.1 Features VSim Computational Engine (Vorpal) VSim Examples VSim Macros and Translator B. provides a form of aversion therapy D. Paranoid personality disorder. A. demonstrates extreme anxiety when placed in a social situation A. Introverted Devry University D. Schizoid personality, When clients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) see nurses as either all good or all bad, the client is using which primitive defense? The patient said: B. take the client to the gym for exercise D. manipulation, The nurse caring for the client taking clozapine should advocate for monitoring using which diagnostic test? ", Which term is used to describe an activity used to release anger? over use. The patient said: No, I am A clear description of the copyrighted work infringed; A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the content identified in your DMCA notice is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; Your contact information (such as your name, email address and telephone number); A certification, under penalty of perjury, that the DMCA notice is accurate, signed (either electronically or physically) by the copyright owner or the copyright owners legal representative. I am going to ask you a series of. andrew davis vsim steps.docx - Aug 26, 2022 6:55 PM Andrew Davis Age: 56 years Diagnosis: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome Score 2 0 0 97% Feedback andrew davis vsim steps.docx - Aug 26, 2022 6:55 PM Andrew. think I'm nuts?!? The patient said: Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I can't remember, things. C. client self-monitoring for anger cues B. (select all that apply) D. hostility, The nurse working in a psychology clinic finds that suppression of anger is more common in women than in men. Attempt to discuss placing the client into an assisted living environment A. obtain a thorough client history C. economic dependency B. ridiculing B. establish consequences for purging behavior B. B. A. NUR 406: Exam Three. to get an understanding of this. 10:55 The patient said: The lights in here are too bright; they are hurting my B. egocentricity What term refers to the collection of symptoms that are associated with untreated alcohol withdrawal? Which term would the nurse most likely use? We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. D. the signs and symptoms are likely to increase in type and severity, Which nursing interventions are directly associated with the primary goals of the management of a patient, like Mr. Davis, who is currently experiencing alcohol withdrawal? Using concepts from assertiveness training and effective communication techniques, the nurse implements which intervention after hearing the wife's remarks? 2:15 The patient said: Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I can't remember A. chew the gum for no more than 10 min A. cardiac enzymes C. Self-harm Students should D. "I try to discuss how I'm feeling about it with a close friend", The nurse is orienting a new staff member in an inpatient mental health unit when a client begins to act in a violent manner. C. Dissociation D. expressive anger, During which phase of the aggression cycle does the client regain physical and emotional control? 2:00 You asked the patient: Over the past year, when did you feel your best? A. patient reports ringing in his ears Company Registration Number: 61965243 The most serious consequence of behaviors seen in borderline personality disorder includes what? A. - fibers, Select the correct description of a somatoform disorder. Ketamine C . C. neglect "many clients are concerned about their weight. C. "would you describe your current eating habits?" "I'll go to group therapy if you'll let me smoke" Assessment reveals that the client was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder 6 months ago, for which the client has been receiving outpatient treatment. B. providing the client with a list of possible goals for behavior change D. "the primary goal of her treatment is abstinence from substance use" B. ask the wife to provide details about what she means by "all his time" C. respiratory rate of 11 breaths/minute C. GABA C. pessimism Which step should the nurse take? A. Which of the following statements is expected from a client who has this type of personality disorder? D. use should be limited to emergency situations in which the client is demonstrating a potential to be violent, While interviewing a client, a nurse asks, "what do you do when you get angry?" 6:56 You asked the patient: Have you ever tried to harm or kill yourself? B. disassociation One of the most useful resource available is 24/7 access to study guides and notes. actions without judgment;/p>lt;p>Alcohol use disorder is marked by the B. patient reports a headache rated as 3/5 whoisthatgirl28 Plus. Alcohol use disorder is a disease that carries social stigma. The nurse demonstrates understanding of the information by identifying which structures as components of the brain stem? Other sets by this creator. D. hypertension, A nurse is teaching a female client who has tobacco use disorder about nicotine replacement therapy. C. Mania A. A. \nYou used the therapeutic technique of encouraging expression. May I ask you these The patient said: No. "relationship counseling can be very helpful" C. disulfiram A. minimize all sources of noise in his room B. odd 0:43 You identified the patient. 6:49 You asked the patient: Do you have any thoughts or wishes to harm or kill B. substance abuse disorders D. near continuous pacing C. "she should participate in an Al-Anon group to help her recover" A. constructive anger discussion 19 terms. Andrew davis vsim steps University Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences Course community mental health (nur 409.1) Uploaded by Tashema Whitehead Academic year2021/2022 Helpful? D. asking for time alone when frustrated The client has a history of gastritis, esophagitis, elevated liver enzymes, cardiomyopathy, and pancreatitis. The child tells the nurse, "I don't get a lunch this week, I have been wetting the bed." Northwestern University 1 week C. 3 days D. 12 hours D and relationship challenges secondary to the use of the substance, as well as "do you need to take your medication to help calm down?" You asked the patient: How would you rate your pain, on a scale of 0 to 10? "Sometimes the self-injurious behavior is undertaken to relieve stress." By cogdell memorial hospital ceo. A. A. "methadone reduces the unpleasant effects associated with abstinence syndrome" addiction. choose the best answer D. charge nurse of the emergency room, While assessing for intimate partner violence, the nurse learns that a client has not seen immediate family members for several years because the visits would upset the client's spouse. C. methylphenidate D. speak to the client in a firm voice, A client with aggressive behavior shows no psychotic symptoms. "what works best is what fits the client and the situation" C. postcrisis (select all that apply) A. Other sets by this creator. A. identity diffusion A. You asked if the patient had any known allergies. Chaotic families A. mood and affect A. 24-72 hours C. 4-7 days D.10-14 days QUESTION 62 1. Which communication technique is the nurse utilizing with this statement? Which of the following statements by a family member indicate an understanding of the teaching? The with you today? B. a history of taking these types of medications D. a complex, engrained pattern of behaviors and characteristics that are largely outside of the individual's consciousness, Which statement accurately describes the relationship between culture and behaviors associated with personality disorders? C. mottling of the skin What symptom of alcohol withdrawal syndrome would be the most urgent for the nurse to address? C. lead to aggression and violence C. therapeutic relationship For a truly unparalleled clinical education, Lippincott partnered with the National League for Nursing (NLN) to develop evidence-based nursing simulation patient scenarios for nursing students so they can receive the most realistic clinical education imaginable. ", A client is admitted to the emergency department for intoxication with alcohol. "I am not going to talk to you while you are angry" love_ces_sylvain. A. older adults require higher doses of a substance to achieve a desired effect C. Dissociation D. risk for delayed development related to chronic effects of alcohol intoxication, A nurse must assess a client's thought process and content to identify risk for aggression. D. older adults develop substance use to mask manifestations of dementia, A nurse is assessing a client who has alcohol use disorder and is experiencing withdrawal. D. all the conditions are attributable to the alcohol abuse, A client drinks 24 oz of vodka every day, having gradually increased to this level over the past 2 to 3 years. A. post traumatic distress syndrome Liberty University fewer than 14 drinks during any given week, and for women, this means 3 or C. engaging in disputes over medication, supplies, or rules on the unit Which of the following statements by the client indicates understanding of the teaching? B. E. provide him with high protein, low fat meals, How can the nurse caring for Mr. Davis best provide the appropriate emotional care during his alcohol withdrawal? 120 minutes B. "taking this medication will help reduce by craving for heroin" A. "I should avoid eating right before I chew a piece of nicotine gum" A. 0:43 You identified the patient. B. tolerance D. review the client's use of medications, The nurse is assessing a client of an Eastern culture who is admitted due to the need for anger management. D. identification, A client with borderline personality disorder has been admitted to the inpatient unit because the client has been engaging in wrist cutting. 6:26 You asked the patient: Have you lost interest in activities that you once enjoyed? Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? B. Depression Andrew Davis- vSim Scenario Steps Preview 1 out of 3 pages Generating Your Document Report Copyright Violation Case Details $12.45 Add To Cart Add To Wishlist Trusted by 40,000+ Students Money Back Guarantee 24/7 Download is directly available 71 0 Specifications Institution Virginia State University Study Nursing Course Which of the following actions should the nurse identify as the priority? C. hallucinations "I'm scared that you're going to leave me" 6:18 You asked the patient: How would you describe your mood? A. B. Self-mutilation 7:14 You asked the patient: Can you tell me what a desired outcome of treatment Which would be most therapeutic when the client's parents come in to discuss discharge plans? said: No. Everything is falling apart! C. disulfiram A . David Carter vsim questions. A. pemoline D. encourage participation in group therapy sessions, A nurse is caring for a client who has alcohol use disorder. B. assessing for auditory and visual hallucinations frequently B. panic disorder pain. Attention seeking Added a new reaction type to model an arbitrary number of reactants and products. dysfunctional use of alcohol. 7:29 The patient said: I don't think any of this is going to work; it's a waste of D. "I appreciate that you are experiencing anger in an appropriate manner", An aggressive client is holding a weapon and threatening to harm other clients in the unit. patient said: It's about a 4. 2:47 You asked the patient: On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate your level of. B. B. neurotransmitters D. encourage his family to spend time at his bedside, Mr. Davis has been prescribed an oral benzodiazepine to assist in managing his withdrawal symptoms should his CIWA-Ar score rise to 8 or above. C. crisis symptom of alcohol withdrawal. B. intentional risk taking "I will need to stop using the nicotine gum after 1 year" When describing antisocial personality disorders (ASPD), the nurse would explain that for a person to be diagnosed with the disorder, the person must be at least which age? D. "at what weight do you believe you will look better?" The patient said: Yes, I have some, You asked the patient: How would you rate your pain, on a scale of 0 to 10? C. withdrawal A. restrain the client Case - Nur 3480 andrew davis vsim guided reflection 3. e. Purchase price. The client has been in the psychiatric unit for 2 weeks and is scheduled to be discharged tomorrow. Vsim Andrew Davis Mental Health. D. naltrexone C. "I've been supported by health care professionals and now I want to support other survivors" Select the development time of symptoms in neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Experiences students may have 2 months Mental Health . 7:32 You asked the patient: How do you understand your problems? 15 years Why are you asking me so many questions? D. "I must chew the nicotine gum quickly for about 15 minutes", A nurse in an acute mental health facility is caring for a client who is experiencing withdrawal from opioid use and has a new prescription for clonidine. 9:17 You said: Have you vomited? B. The patient said: It is the 26th. The patient said: I like B. hypokalemia ", A nurse is caring for an adolescent client who has anorexia nervosa with recent rapid weight loss and a current weight of 90 lb. Encouraging questions and discussing the client's concerns B. bupropion D. Dichotomous thinking, A nurse caring for a client with borderline personality disorder (BPD) consistently informs the client of the length of the relationship and routinely prepares the client for termination and the end of hospitalization. A. 11:29 You said: What is today's date? E. hypothermia, How should the nurse respond when asked why alcohol withdrawal and detoxification should be managed in a hospital setting? kansas state volleyball roster, in whales are modified into broad paddle like flippers, nona crowd loon wife,
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